We are passionate about serving others, learning from and with our neighbors, and continuing Jesus’ healing work in the world.
Alcoholics Anonymous meets every Wednesday and Saturday evening, 8:00-10:00 p.m. in the basement of the church.
Begun in 2017, our free Community Festival is an opportunity to share joy and love with our surrounding neighbors. Along with games, food, dancing, and a bounce house, representatives from the sheriff’s office, fire department, mobile library join us. We will also be having flu shots and visits from the local dentists at Health Partners.
In 2017 we formed a partnership with Eva Turner Elementary School, our neighborhood school. Along with providing school supplies twice a year and supporting students and teachers throughout the yearThere are many ways to get involved:
Reading Buddies—spend 30 minutes each week reading with an assigned buddy
Weekend Backpacks—Volunteers are needed to fill weekend backpacks of food to go home with kids who otherwise have little eat.
Breakfast Crew—Several times a year we provide breakfast to the hard-working faculty and staff the school.
Christmas Dinner—In conjunction with ETE staff, we help host an annual Christmas dinner and toy workshop.
Read Across America Day—Volunteers from the church celebrate the joy of reading by reading in the various ETE classrooms on this annual celebration marking the birthday of Dr. Seuss (on or around March 2nd each year). Contact the office to sign up.
Our Good News Community Garden was the brainchild of three of our youth as they prepared for confirmation in fall 2021. Together, they and the entire youth group are launching a community garden on our property, the harvest of which will go to our neighbors and local food bank. Those in the community are invited to “lease” plots for free to grow their own food.
St. Paul’s is committed to the flourishing and justice of our LGBTIA members and community. Along with hosting and several LGBTQIA+ events, we are also active in local affirming and welcoming ministries, including PFLAG of Southern Maryland. We host a both at Charles County’s annual Pride festival and partner with local churches with picnics in the summer.
Once a month, St. Paul’s cooks and serves dinner at Our Place Soup Kitchen (located at Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, Waldorf). Volunteers are needed to help set up the dining room, cook the meal, serve the meal, and clean up. This is a perfect activity for children and adults. Contact the office to sign up.
Along with relationship-based service opportunities, we also provide grants to local and international organizations. Partnerships include:
Bishop John T. Walker School for Boys
Episcopal Relief & Development
Our Place Waldorf
Lifestyles of Maryland
Health Partners Waldorf
Southern Maryland Tri-County Community Action
Annual fundraiser and walk in downtown La Plata benefitting the Safe Nights Winter Shelter.
Each year we partner with Episcopal Relief and Development to provide emergency support in the face of natural disasters. To support our efforts we host a variety of fundraisers, including local music concerts and car washes.